Stuttering Therapy At HCRI

The Hollins Fluency System

A Stuttering Therapy About You!

HCRI’s therapy results are based directly upon our effectiveness in understanding what each individual brings to the therapy process. Our care in building a solid working relationship with each person, and careful instruction throughout the entire treatment program, give each person in therapy the best chance of learning and retaining fluency skills.

We know how important it is to give you our best effort. Only then will you give your best effort; and, we know from experience, best efforts yield winners.

Stuttering Therapy Program Overview

HCRI offers a unique on-site, 12-day therapy that emphasizes motor skill training and balanced attention to the cognitive and emotional aspects of stuttering. Our therapy is substantially different from other so-called “fluency shaping” or “combination” treatments or therapies you may have received in the past. HCRI utilizes a more focused set of procedures, more specific response details, and scientifically validated training methods. Our clients benefit when we combine these methods with technology and an incredible staff of professionals dedicated specifically to treating the problem of stuttering.

This proven therapy is called The Hollins Fluency System™, and provides treatment within a fixed time frame, at a fixed cost, with a known probability of a positive outcome. It is an intensive twelve-day program that uses specialized training procedures to facilitate the learning, retention and transfer into everyday life of fluency targets. Our systematic application of laboratory-derived principles of learning, along with the constant honing and validation of training sequences, provides our clients with fluency skills that can be retained in every day life, without the requirement of “carry-on” programs or post-therapy support groups.

Computer Technology

HCRI has also been a pioneer (since 1971) in using computers to strengthen and expand the processes of stuttering therapy. We have learned how to integrate computers into therapy in a manner that reinforces the learning and retention of fluency skills. Our emphasis on the physical measurement of fluency skills means that we can actually evaluate speech signals in real time and can then indicate to the speaker whether or not he attained the target behavior he was trying to produce. The specialized computers used in the Hollins Fluency System™ provide a strong boost to the learning, and more importantly, the long-term retention of fluent speech. We have found that the computer evaluation of speech is well received by our therapy participants and is judged by them to be user friendly, accurate and reliable.

HCRI has released its new, web based FluencyNet™ system to our graduates. This powerful real-time speech monitoring system provides immediate, accurate measurement of ongoing fluency target use and plots the moment-by-moment results for easy interpretation. FluencyNet™ can be used at Home or in the office to evaluate fluency target use in real-life settings. For example, FluencyNet™ can be used during telephone calls, while in large business meetings and in one-on-one conversations. FluencyNet™ marks a new era in assistance to persons who stutter. Literally, now, objective help is available anywhere a web connection can be made.

Our Staff

HCRI’s staff consists of full-time clinicians, researchers and support personel who specialize in the treatment of stuttering and in research on stuttering. Clinical staff members hold advanced credentials and have extensive experience in working with all levels of stuttering severity. Click Here to meet our staff.

Applying To Hollins Communications Research institute

This special therapy is only available at HCRI in Roanoke, Virginia USA. If you would like to attend HCRI, call us at (540) 265-5650 to request an information packet and application. You can also Apply Online to the Institute.