Top 10 Reasons to Choose HCRI for Stuttering Therapy

There are a wide range of stuttering therapy approaches available today, each with different methodologies and different short- and long-term fluency outcomes. Yet, choosing the right stuttering treatment that produces lasting results is critical to appropriately addressing this unique human disorder for which there is no cure.

According to nationally recognized stuttering research and treatment expert Ronald L. Webster, Ph.D., president of Hollins Communications Research Institute (HCRI – ), a physically based speech reconstruction program represents the most powerful method for enhancing fluency and for simultaneously reducing the psychological burdens of stuttering.

Webster pioneered comprehensive behavioral stuttering therapy nearly forty years ago and founded HCRI to continue researching stuttering and enhancing treatment results. Through the years, HCRI’s therapy program has been continually refined with new treatment innovations and technological components that enhance the ease of fluency-skill learning and long-term fluency retention.

While people who stutter have many treatment options, HCRI stuttering therapy delivers among the highest fluency outcomes available. Research shows 93 percent of HCRI program participants achieve fluent speech within 12 days and 70-75 percent maintain fluency for the long-term.

In addition to leading therapy results, Webster offers these Top 10 Reasons to Choose HCRI.

10. You make a great personal investment.

9. You work with the inventors of modern, effective behavior therapy for stuttering.

8. Your clinicians are friendly, personable and highly competent professionals.

7. You participate in the original 12-day, intensive therapy for stuttering.

6. You have us as your fluency partners for life.

5. You benefit from our treatment of more than 6,000 individuals who stutter.

4. You master fluency, one achievable step after another.

3. You experience emotional growth and fear reduction as part of the therapy.

2. Your self-confidence goes up as you master fluency skills.

1. Fluent speech—it’s real and it works!!!

Webster encourages any one who is considering stuttering treatment to thoughtfully review and compare different therapy programs before making a decision. To learn more about HCRI stuttering therapy and the Institute’s approach to fluency training, visit or contact HCRI at (540) 265-5650 (toll-free), 540-265-5650, or