What Differentiates HCRI Stuttering Therapy from Other Options?

You have a variety of treatment options available to address your stuttering. The type of therapy you choose can make the difference between short-term or limited fluency outcomes to lasting, strong fluent speech that you control.

At HCRI, we encourage you to do your research before participating in any type of stuttering therapy. Compare treatment approaches, experience of providers, and documented fluency outcomes.

What differentiates HCRI stutteirng therapy?Our nonprofit center has treated 7,000+ individuals, with stuttering conditions that range from mild to severe. Research on therapy results shows that 93% of clients achieve fluent speech by the end of their 12-day HCRI program.

When evaluated two years later, 75% of clients maintain fluency. Moreover, these individuals have the fluency tools they need to control their speech in all types of speaking situations.

As you consider your treatment choices, following are key points you need to know about HCRI stuttering therapy. We invite you to contact us to learn more.

HCRI Therapy Distinctions

  • You benefit from an original, scientifically-based treatment system for stuttering that is comprehensive and focused on your specific speech needs.
  • HCRI therapy focuses on the motor, cognitive and emotional dimensions of stuttering.
  • HCRI’s immersion therapy is specifically designed for highly effective learning and retention of fluency skills.
  • You will learn and apply clearly specified target behaviors that actively generate fluent speech. These target behaviors were developed here at HCRI.
  • Therapy involves established, specific and proven training progressions that enable the transfer of fluency skills to everyday life.
  • To facilitate the learning of lasting fluency skills, HCRI has developed performance norms and advancement criteria for objectively evaluating each participant’s progress in therapy.
  • Your therapy includes computer-facilitated instruction, which was developed at HCRI and tested with thousands of persons in therapy.
  • HCRI researchers invented proprietary, patented electronics that provide you with real-time measurement and feedback of fluency targets. You also have access to HCRI’s iPhone app and FluencyNet software to measure your fluency targets at home, school or work.
  • You benefit from HCRI-specific procedures for effectively transferring clinic-learned fluency skills to all types of life settings.
  • HCRI clinicians have specialized training to effectively administer the institute’s therapy program. Our team is held to high standards of excellence in stuttering therapy delivery.
  • You benefit from extensive post-therapy support and access to resources only available at HCRI. These include phone and email contact with clinicians, FluencyNet practice software, HCRI’s iPhone app, program materials, and more. We also have available brief refresher training, if needed.
  • After therapy, program graduates become part of our growing HCRI alumni network. Alumni receive regular HCRI communication and may opt to take part in alumni-led practice groups. Alumni are encouraged to reach out to HCRI clinicians on an ongoing basis – even years after therapy.

To learn more, contact us at (540) 265-5650 or info@stuttering.org. And, you’ll find lots of information about our therapy, along with before-and-after videos, at www.stuttering.org.